Genius Doctor Black Belly Miss Wiki

Ye Sha has protected Jun Wu Xie ever since the beginning of the novel and through his interactions he realizes that although she is not powerful her mind and skills in medicine and poison are greater than any he's ever seen.

He greatly respects Jun Wu Yao, just like every other Dark Regime subordinate, although half is because Jun Wu Yao can bestow powers beyond compare in return for absolute loyalty.

He is very friendly and kind, while being cruel towards enemies, and his only known friends are Ye Mei and Ye Gu who are part of legion protecting the Dark Emperor (Jun Wu Yao).


  • He has been resurrected once since the beginning of the novel.
  • His name translates to Night (夜) Evil (煞)
  • Whenever he has to kill people around Jun Wu Xie he always tries to kill them without making them bleed because she doesn't like the smell.
  • After Jun Wu Yao was captured Jun Wu Xie went to the Dark Region for five years cutting herself off from everyone but after the Rui Lin Army was found in the Middle Realm he tipped off Long Qi to where they would be so she would reunite with them (without telling Jun Wu Xie).